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In a time where data is mined and information is sourced with big data, when you aren't looking and at a massive scale, we realise thart although it may be accurate, we simply do not connect with it because it's machine generated. 


When it comes to human connection, nothing beats the real thing. candid is there to collect real human stories, with people from all walks of life that are willingly participating, sharing their views and helping us capture a unique snapshot of how people perceive different topics. 


candid is about real conversations. candid is authentic and this is why candid engages people to make a difference. 


we want to drive authentic conversations. 


#candid on gender

#candid on work-life balance

#candid on being sustainable

#candid on fake news and real news

#candid on migration and integration

#candid on fair opportunities

#candid on  freedom

#candid on hunger

#candid on eating insects

#candid on racism

#candid on extremism

#candid on FOMO

#candid on consumerism

#candid on discrimination

#candid on screen time

#candid on mental health

#candid on exercise

#candid on modern masculinity

#candid on vaccines

#candid on homeschooling

#candid on gender pronouns

#candid on periods

#candid on being carbon neutral

#candid on alternative meat

#candid on innovation

#candid on inclusion

#candid on being energy efficient

#candid on what we eat

#candid on what we learn at school


there is so much to talk about and it's all linked to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Let's drive relevant conversations around the SDGs with #candid. 






 candid by Dilucidar © 2021 Dilucidar 

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